Adres: Ślusarska 9, 30-710 Kraków +48 733 883 121

The ceremonial opening of the school year 2024/2025 -

The ceremonial opening of the school year 2024/2025

We would like to invite you to the ceremonial opening of the school year 2024/2025 that will be held on September 2nd.

We invite students and parents of pre-ib classes at 12:00 pm to the school auditorium.

Students from the Second, Third and Fourth High School classes (pre-ib 2, ib 1, ib 2) are invited to the following classrooms at 12:30 pm:

– class 2 A –  room 215

– Class 2 B – room 216

– Class 2 C – room 209

– Class 2 D – room 214

– class 2 E – room 210

– class 3 A – room 220

– class 3 B – room 222

– class 3 C – room  212

– class 3 D – room  S 02

– class 4 A – room218

– class  4 B – room 211

– class 4 C – room 213

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Ślusarska 9, 30-710 Kraków +48 733 883 121