Adres: Ślusarska 9, 30-710 Kraków +48 733 883 121

Akredytacja Erasmusa dla Kolegium Europejskiego w Krakowie na lata 2021-2027 -

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Erasmus Accreditation for Kolegium Europejskie in Krakow for 2021-2027

On February 26, 2021, the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program announced the results of the application competition for Accreditation under Action 1: Mobility of Students and Staff. The application developed by our school received positive approval from the experts, and Kolegium Europejskie was granted Accreditation for the period 2021-2027.

The grant of Accreditation ensures regular funding for activities related to international mobility of staff and students within the Erasmus+ program without the need to participate in annual application competitions.

Funds received from the Erasmus+ program support the following international trips for our students and staff at our school.

School staff - ERASMUS+ mobility

⇒ Teaching Assignment: This activity allows teachers to conduct classes at partner schools abroad.

⇒ Organized Courses or Training Abroad: These support the professional development of teachers, school management members, or other staff.

⇒ Job Shadowing: Provides teachers, school management members, or other school staff with the opportunity to spend time observing and learning in a partner school abroad.


⇒Group Mobility for Students: A group of students from our school spends time learning alongside their peers at a partner school in another country.

Schools and partner institutions

Jakobstad Gymnasium – Finland

Atlanten VGS – Norway

Hjalmar Stromerskolan – Szwedem

I.E.S. Acebuche – Spain

Instituto Statale di Instruzione Supereriore “Il Pontormo” w Empoli – Italy

Gymnasium Lehrte – Germany

English language schools- Malta, Cyprus, Ireland

Ślusarska 9, 30-710 Kraków +48 733 883 121