Adres: Ślusarska 9, 30-710 Kraków +48 733 883 121

Career counseling at Kolegium Europejskie

Students at our school can count on the support of a career counselor throughout their entire educational journey. A standard tool for assessing students and providing a basis for initial discussions is the Brain Core test and the results.

BrainCore tests: diagnosing individual potentials

The BrainCore pedagogical test describes the individual course of cognitive processes specific to learning strategies. It highlights strengths and possible areas for development. The career orientation test is a tool that assists in choosing the right career path and field of study, indicating preferred occupational groups as well as the level of future competencies.

Preparation for a Professional Career: The Role of a Career Counselor

In the pre-IB 2 class, students can seek support from a career counselor when making decisions about selecting subjects for the IB program. Career counseling is available through individual consultations as well as group sessions.

In the first year of the IB class, students prepare to create application documents (CVs, personal statements, essays) and participate in interviews for foreign universities.

In the final year, students have access to consultations on university selection and content and language review of their prepared application documents.

Ślusarska 9, 30-710 Kraków +48 733 883 121